Turnstiles for Corporate Lobbies
Your Corporate Campus may have diverse security access control needs with varied access control requirements depending on the facilities and the audience using that specific location. Turnstiles may be used in corporate lobbies, factory floors, building perimeters, lunchrooms and parking areas.
We specialize in providing secure options for all aspects of your corporate campus access control – be it traditional full height turnstiles to more specialized units such as barrier optical turnstiles, we can help you secure all of your buildings by addressing all the unique needs of each situation.
Endless Turnstile Options
Lobbies often require placement of more aesthetically pleasing turnstiles and ADA gates. To that end we offer full height aluminum and polycarbonate portals like our P60 and RD70 models as well as barrier optical waist high turnstiles like the popular EX300 model and IS9900 model that are all stainless steel and has clear, laser etched panels. We can provide the right solution to keep your lobby safe while maintaining your interior design standard.
We can assist you in planning your access control points so that the turnstiles you put in place achieve specific pedestrian access control goal while keeping your workplace attractive.